Book club
The mystery book club at North Smithfield Library will hold its next meeting on Monday, Oct. 21 to discuss “The Book of Cold Cases” by Simone St. James. Join the group at 20 Main St. to enjoy a cup of tea and discuss a mystery. Register by visiting https://nspl.evanced.info/signup or calling 401-767-2780.
Tank update
The Water Department provided an update this week regarding work to town water tanks, set to continue into the late fall and winter, and resume again in spring 2025.

The section of the road that was disrupted on Country Way has been paved and restored following demolition and removal of that tank, and the area has been hydro-seeded with hopes to create a neighborhood sitting area.
On Comstock Road, sand blasting of the tanks was completed, and tank 2 was drained, with interior cleaning now in full swing. The department notes that removal of the foundation of tank 1 will begin soon, and is expected to be noisy. Notification of the date for the work will be posted on the town website.
Hurricane Milton fundraiser
The Functional Life Skill Class at North Smithfield High School is holding a collection drive for a retirement community in Florida that was impacted by Hurricane Milton, and will be accepting donations of paper goods, as well as hygiene and cleaning supplies starting today, Monday, Oct. 21, through Wednesday, Oct. 30. Donation boxes are now located in the foyers of all North Smithfield schools.
Questions can be directed to [email protected].
Yard waste pickup
The Trash and Recycling Department has announced the start of fall yard waste collection, with pickup on Saturdays for all residents, excluding Saturdays that end in a holiday week. Yard waste pickup is scheduled to take place on Saturday, Oct. 26 and the highway garage at 281 Quaker Highway is also open on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Wednesdays 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. for drop offs.
Trunk or Treat
The NSPTO’s annual Trunk or Treat will be held on Sunday, Oct. 27 from 1 to 3 p.m. at North Smithfield Elementary School at 2214 Providence Pike. Sign ups for those who would like to host trunks or indoor displays are now open here.
Advanced registration to attend the event is also open here. Admissions will be $5 per child and proceeds will benefit PTO initiatives for NSES such as school supplies, enrichment programs, teacher grants, field trips and more.
Library tarot
North Smithfield Library at 20 Main St. will host Tarot 101 on Wednesday, Oct. 23 from 6 to 7:30 p.m., with a program exploring the basics open to visitors age 10 through adults. Participants must register for the program here.

Town meetings
The North Smithfield Town Council will hold a meeting on Monday, Oct. 21 starting at 6:45 p.m. at Town Hall at 83 Green St. The agenda is here. The meeting will also serve as a joint meeting with the council to convene as the Municipal Buildings Review Task Force for the agenda found here.
The Halliwell Review Committee will hold a meeting on Thursday, Oct. 24 starting at 7 p.m. at Town Hall at 83 Green St. The agenda is here.
A note on town meetings: Meeting agendas published after our weekly “things to know,” articles may not be listed above. Check the Secretary of State’s website for the latest updates.