Curbside pickup
The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rhode Island program will be visiting Glocester on the remaining Wednesdays in October to offer free curbside pickup for clothing, shoes, fabric, and small house hold goods. To schedule a pickup, visit their website at www.bigsri.org/donateri or call (401) 921-2434 and select option 2.

Transition to Adulthood
The Northwest Special Education Region SELAC Committee will host a Transition to Adulthood Resource Night on Thursday, Oct. 24 in room 248 of Ponaganset High School at 137 Anan Wade Road from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Families of students with IEPs and 504s in Scituate, Foster, Glocester are invited to attend and meet with representatives from nearly a dozen local organizations.
Meet the Republicans
The Glocester Republican Town Committee is inviting residents to meet local Republican candidates for town government at an event at Laurel Grange at 347 Snake Hill Road in North Scituate on Friday, Oct. 25 starting at 7 p.m. Attendees will include Town Council candidates Cheryl Greathouse and Stephanie Calise; state Senate candidate Patricia Morgan; House District 40 Rep. Michael Chippendale; House District 53 candidate Paul Santucci; and District 23 Sen. Jessica de la Cruz. Light refreshments will be served.
Trick or Treat Main Street
The Glocester Business Association’s annual Trick or Treat Main Street event will take place on Saturday, Oct. 26 from noon to 3 p.m. in Chepachet Village. Businesses will hand out candy to costumed visitors age 12 and under.
The event will also serve as a collection drive for the Glocester Food Pantry. A minimum of one unexpired canned good or other non-perishable food item is expected, and monetary donations are also appreciated.
Thanksgiving baskets
’Glad Tidings Community Church is now collecting items for Thanksgiving baskets for Grace’s Food Pantry to support local families in need over the holiday. The pantry typically helps more than 60 local families each year and relies solely on donations from the community.
Nonperishable items needed include stuffing; instant potatoes; cranberry sauce; peas, corn and green beans; large aluminum roasting pans; gravy; boxed desserts and $25 gift cards. Donations must be dropped off in the collection bin at 111 Victory Highway by Sunday, Nov. 10.

Town meetings
The West Glocester Fire District Executive Board will hold a meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 22 starting at 5:30 p.m. at Station 1 at 2410 Putnam Pike. The agenda is here.
The Glocester Land Trust will not hold their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 22.
The Glocester Historic District Commission will hold a meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 23 starting at 7 p.m. at Town Hall at 1145 Putnam Pike. The agenda is here.
The Glocester Zoning Board will hold a meeting on Thursday, Oct. 24 starting at 7 p.m. at Town Hall at 1145 Putnam Pike. The agenda is here.
The Glocester Board of Appeals will hold a meeting on Thursday, Oct. 24 starting at 7 p.m. at town Hall at 1145 Putnam Pike. The agenda is here.