Bouzan cites commitment in bid for re-election to Burrillville School Committee


BURRILLVILLE – For the past six years, Sean Bouzan notes he has been a dedicated member of the Burrillville School Committee, actively participating in key subcommittees such as budget and school improvement teams.

Leveraging his extensive experience in education technology, Bouzan notes he has played a role in recommending innovative strategies for enhancing communication and social media engagement. With a strong background as an administrator in education technology, Bouzan believes he brings expertise to the role, having worked in higher education and K-12 school systems for over two decades. He said his student-centered mindset, analytical skills, strategic thinking, and unwavering commitment to student success have consistently guided his decision-making.

Bouzan noted that his dedication to the Burrillville community extends beyond his role on the School Committee. He has coached for Burrillville Little League and BYBA basketball teams, with the goal of inspiring young athletes and fostering a sense of camaraderie.

The committee member said he is also an avid supporter of the Burrillville CTE Programs and the real-world skills that they teach.

“As a proud resident of Burrillville for 22 years and 2 decades in education, I deeply understand the unique needs and challenges facing our schools,” Bouzan said. “As a parent of a Burrillville High School graduate and a current sophomore, I am personally invested in ensuring that our students receive a high-quality education that prepares them for success.”

If re-elected Bouzan said he will continue to… 

  • Strive for collaboration, transparency, and accountability at every level of the educational process.
  • Work to ensure long-term plans are in place for District-wide upgrades to facilities, ensuring safe and encouraging learning environments.
  • Reinforce our commitment to equality for all learners.
  • Respect taxpayers with a fiscally responsible, collaborative, transparent budget and decision-making processes.
  • Assist in supporting our teachers and administration in developing and maintaining academic and  Career and Technical Pathways to ensure they have the resources to make our children ready for the challenges of the future.

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