BURRILLVILLE – Photographs of “favorite places” in Burrillville were submitted to NRI NOW this week for a contest that will see the five best printed for inclusion in a time capsule, to be buried in conjunction with the town’s Earth Day celebration.
The photo competition, put on by the Burrillville Earth Day Committee, gives readers a chance to send in a picture of their favorite place in town, with the hope to show those who dig up the time capsule in 50 years how the town looked in 2020.
In the upcoming weeks, we’ll continue to publish pictures that come in, and readers will have the chance to choose the winners.
Readers are invited to submit up to three photos by emailing [email protected] or via the NRI NOW Facebook page. Photos must include your name and the location where the picture was taken. They can also include a sentence or two on why you love the place and/or, how you think it might look in 50 years.
Below is the second set of submissions. The first can be found here.
Picture 1 is located at the park near Serios Pizza off of Route 100,” (White Mill Park) Christine Purcell
“These photos were taken on the Harrisville Portion of the Bike Path near the Railroad Avenue bridge and duck pond. I am predicting that there will be fewer people walking on the path’s due to everyone liking to use their own vehicles for transportation in 50 years.” Dylan Sevigny“Picture 2 is located at Wallum Lake.” Christine PurcellThese photos were taken on the Harrisville Portion of the Bike Path near the Railroad Avenue bridge and duck pond. I am predicting that there will be fewer people walking on the path’s due to everyone liking to use their own vehicles for transportation in 50 years. Dylan Sevigny“Attached is a picture of Eccleston field that was taken by a teacher at William L.Callahan School. My favorite outdoor places in Burrillville are the multiple athletic fields that allow our students to represent the town of Burrillville. Displaying community pride and promoting the tenets of good sportsmanship are what school based athletics are all about!” Burrillville Schools Superintendent Michael Sollitto “This photo of the waterfall was taken at Round Top Management Area. Many fond memories of my Dad taking us as children to fish at the lake. It still is a favorite spot for fisherman.” Suzanne RabitailleThese photos were taken on the Harrisville Portion of the Bike Path near the Railroad Avenue bridge and duck pond. I am predicting that there will be fewer people walking on the path’s due to everyone liking to use their own vehicles for transportation in 50 years. Dylan Sevigny
Do you think a picture of your favorite place should be included in the time capsule? Submit it to NRI NOW before the deadline on Friday, March 20.